Sunday, July 11, 2021

Organic Fertilizer


DIY Organic Fertilizer From Vegetable Scraps

Make free fertilizer for your  vegetables, houseplants, and flowers.

  Home made Organic Fertilizer

Homemade fertiliser is simply decayed organic matter like food scraps and other organic waste in the home. It is a great way to improve garden soil and promote nutrition for plants. Save vegetable and fruit scraps for some days. Scraps can be saved along with eggshells, coffee grounds, used tea leaves.

Banana peels

 Fertilizer from kitchen Vegetable Scrap.It completely depends on the ingredients you’re adding. For example, if your fertilizer includes banana peels, they’re rich in phosphorus and potassium.

Banana peel beneficial

Banana peels do not contain nitrogen, which makes it a good organic fertilizer. Banana peels are potassium-rich and contain calcium and phosphorus, which are beneficial for fruit trees and flowering plants, specifically roses.

Tea leaves and coffee

 Tea leaves and coffee grounds are a great source of nitrogen and egg shells are rich in calcium.

Egg shells

Eggshells are very important for plant nutritrients.  The soil around potted plants, your vegetable garden and outdoor trees will get an incredible boost from the shells calcium composition, which is almost 98 percent of the shell.

Vegetable scrape

Vegetable peels such as green leftovers, citrus rind, broccoli stalks and potato peels have nutrients that, when added to the soil of your garden.

How do you make organic fertilizer from kitchen waste?

Gather your kitchen wastes such as food remnants, fruit peelings, vegetable scraps, etc. and add that all to a composite bin. Add some water and leave it for about a day. You may add some dust to speed up the composting process. Then, add some natural waste from your garden (like dried leaves) to the compost. When you notice it has turned into a dark-colored soil-like mixture, spread that on your garden soil and use as an organic fertilizer.

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