Sunday, July 4, 2021

Diy Safe & Simple Methods


Liquid Starch

Diy Safe & Simple Methods

 Spray starch adds a light protective coating that helps to delay stains from soaking into fabrics. This is especially helpful on table linens and light fabrics.  If clothes loses its stiffness and this  spray starch is great at restoring it. m How much needed stiffness your dress.  it make it much more easy to work with the fabric.

Home made starch and fabric stiffeners are so easy to make, it is not nice that you are not making it instead of using the unnatural  starch from the stores.  Never fear, you can simply make it at home. 


Dissolve Cornstarch in Water. Combine a  tablespoon of cornstarch and 2 glass of cold water in a bowl, dissolve this properly. You can store this solution in spray bottle.

If you want some fragrance, Add two or three drops of  Essential Oil for fragrance into the bowl then store it. Use this solution before ironing clothes. 

Pour Mixture into Spray Bottle. ...

Label the Bottle. ..IF YOU WANT.

Store the Bottle.


Home made starch and fabric stiffeners are so easy to make, it is not nice that you are not making it instead of using the unnaturally fragranced starch from the stores


water from boiling white rice (raw rice) not the red rice – or you can strain and use.

Drain the water from the boiled rice. You have to take the rice water out as soon as it is cooked, because if it is left to cool the water will solidify and it will be useless. Take out and thin to the proper consistency. This thinned starch water can be left to cool. Dip the dress in this solution ; wring out the water from it. Hang to dry .


Everyone has white glue at home. starching all  shirts and clothes in the white glue solution –  it is the best. For a real stiff finish for your fabric use equal parts glue and water. Take a spoon of glue and two glass of water. Soak or spray your clothes in this solution. After iron them. Soaking clothes, first dry them in sun then iron them.

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